Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Standing Your Ground

Thanks to this morning's Google Doodle, millions in America will find out that today is the 55th anniversary of Rosa Parks standing (sitting?) her ground on a bus in Alabama. When we reflect on the Civil Rights Movement, this example of bravery and principle is always mentioned with the "Mt. Rushmore" of American civil disobedience. It was on the shoulders of courageous people like Parks that the Civil Rights Movement took shape and gained strength.

On a completely unrelated and insignificant note, Big Baby Davis of the Boston Celtics has been a stud coming off the bench, especially on the defensive end of the floor. One of his most important contributions on that half of the court is his ability to stand his ground (see where I'm going with this?) and take a charge. By my unofficial count and a quick Google search, Davis leads the league in charges taken and has no problem sacrificing for the greater good of the team.

Below is a compilation of the 14 charges that Baby took through the first 8 games of the season.

Yes, I just used a Rosa Parks Google Doodle to talk about Big Baby and the Celtics defense. Happy Wednesday!

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