I would be rather remiss in my blogging duties if I didn't provide some comment on one of the most anticipated NBA games of the season. My Twitter feed today was absolutely filled with articles, jokes, comments, thoughts, insults, speculation and more. There were of course highlights, so in anticipation for 8PM tonight I give you a short list of the best of the day. I'll see you on the other side.
PS - I've never once in my life wanted Cleveland to win anything. People who aren't from Ohio don't understand this. Tonight, however, we stand united. I'm even cheering for Andersen Varejao. And I can file that under "Things I Will Never Say Again."
Notable Chris Bosh quotes this week:
- On the Decision: "I think they took it quite hard when he left. So some people -- I don't know why -- but in sports, some people take it personal." (He must not know what a "fan" is.)
- On spending less than 24 hours in Cleveland: "Sometimes when you have an extra day to hang around, it's no telling what -- you want to feel safer... Just get in, play our game and get out of there." (And they're not going to be intimidated by this crowd?)
- On the crowd at the game tonight: "I'm sure it's people that have malcontent on their mind." (Malcontent: n. a person who is discontented or disgusted, the condition of being
discontented or disgusted... The prosecution rests.)
These hilarious T-shirts:
To which a "malcontent" Cavaliers-fan friend commented, "But it still says 'King' - he's a queen now."
If you're interested in purchasing one, go HERE.
Barstool Sports - NYC:
These guys always have hysterical articles, but the one today about the game, the hype and related NBA news was one of the funnier that I've ever read. You can read the full text HERE - some strong language, but it's hilarious.
Bill Simmons on the Atmosphere:
I make no excuses for being a big Bill Simmons fan - I like the guy's writing and I think he's hysterical. Nothing hysterical here, but some interesting insightHe had this to say about the game tonight:
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