Monday, December 6, 2010

Manning Face

What on Earth has happened to Peyton Manning? He's thrown 11 interceptions in the past 3 weeks. Huh!? I am by no means a Manning fan, but it's hard to say he isn't one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL, among the likes of Tom Brady and Drew Brees... except this year.

Now with a 6-6 record after losing to the Cowboys (?!?) in OT at home yesterday, the Colts hold sole possession of second place (!?!) in their division to the Jacksonville Jaguars (?!?!?!?!?!?!).

Whenever we have the pleasure of a Manning interception, fumble, sack or loss, we are treated to a rare spectacle that has captivated the nation. We look for it, we sit on the edge of our seats waiting, and then, it happens. The Manning Face. The song below is a awful quality spoof of "Poker Face," but hey, a little remixing never hurt anybody.

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