Sports: thoughts, news, and notes with a dash of popular culture, anecdotes, and more.
Monday, December 20, 2010
On and Off the Field
Fast forward to last Friday when the NFL quietly issued a $15,000 find to Tyler Brayton of the Carolina Panthers for this move here:
$15,000!?! Brayton makes $2.2 million dollars a year, plus this one looks much worse and just dirty - he has to move pretty quickly to get to the scene of the crime in time to drop a people's elbow on a member of the Atlanta Falcons. Here's the catch: the fine wasn't made public.
So let's get this straight: Roger Goodell will sit with Bob Costas before Sunday Night Football and assure everyone that every single measure is being taken regarding player safety, that the "new" rules about hard hits and other safety measures are being put in place because that's what the league really cares about, but then when a player does something this egregious, there's a line item in the news bullets and a nominal fine? By the way, this isn't exactly Brayton's first offense either.
Hey Alosi, enjoy sitting on your couch for the rest of the year, while Brayton makes it rain elbows down in Carolina on the sidelines. Fair? I think not.
Source: Yahoo!Sports: Shutdown Corner blog
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Truth at the Garden
The Celtics are easily one of the deepest teams in the league, especially when it comes to big men, and they were missing three of them last night. What they weren't missing was 3pt shots. The C's shot 50% from downtown and 100% from the charity stripe, including 10/10 from Paul Pierce.
Speaking of The Truth, you should probably check out these highlights. I'd be lying to you if I said that my heart didn't leap into my throat when the shot from Amar'e went in. Alas, Knicks fans, too late.
Side note: I wonder how many of the people at MSG last night had ever been there for a Knicks game before... or even watched a Knicks game before. The arena was essentially silent until the 3rd quarter when the beers had started to kick in. A good friend and stalwart Knicks fan's away message said it all: "I will SLANDER all these bandwagon Knicks fans tho." Preach, my man.
While The Truth may have spent his last few moments on the court bowing to the home crowd (hilarious, by the way), even he went back on his trash talking from earlier this week. As Pierce said in his post-game interview, "The Knicks have arrived."
Friday, December 10, 2010
Amateur Videos: Where Amazing Happens

Girl: "Hey, what's your name?"
Guy: "Hey, I'm Mike - I got number one on SportsCenter once."
Girl: "Take me home."
Anyway, check out this video of a very clever hockey goal and remember, risk is its own reward.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Deep Pockets
If you haven't heard, the Red Sox just signed a guy named Carl Crawford from the Rays to a 7-year, $142 million dollar contract to play left field. The deal comes shortly after signing Padres first baseman Adrian Gonzalez as well - i.e. it looks like the Sox are out for blood, Yankee blood?
Monday, December 6, 2010
Manning Face
Whenever we have the pleasure of a Manning interception, fumble, sack or loss, we are treated to a rare spectacle that has captivated the nation. We look for it, we sit on the edge of our seats waiting, and then, it happens. The Manning Face. The song below is a awful quality spoof of "Poker Face," but hey, a little remixing never hurt anybody.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Return
- On the Decision: "I think they took it quite hard when he left. So some people -- I don't know why -- but in sports, some people take it personal." (He must not know what a "fan" is.)
- On spending less than 24 hours in Cleveland: "Sometimes when you have an extra day to hang around, it's no telling what -- you want to feel safer... Just get in, play our game and get out of there." (And they're not going to be intimidated by this crowd?)
- On the crowd at the game tonight: "I'm sure it's people that have malcontent on their mind." (Malcontent: n. a person who is discontented or disgusted, the condition of being
discontented or disgusted... The prosecution rests.)
These hilarious T-shirts:
To which a "malcontent" Cavaliers-fan friend commented, "But it still says 'King' - he's a queen now."
If you're interested in purchasing one, go HERE.
Barstool Sports - NYC:
These guys always have hysterical articles, but the one today about the game, the hype and related NBA news was one of the funnier that I've ever read. You can read the full text HERE - some strong language, but it's hilarious.
Bill Simmons on the Atmosphere:
I make no excuses for being a big Bill Simmons fan - I like the guy's writing and I think he's hysterical. Nothing hysterical here, but some interesting insightHe had this to say about the game tonight:
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Standing Your Ground

On a completely unrelated and insignificant note, Big Baby Davis of the Boston Celtics has been a stud coming off the bench, especially on the defensive end of the floor. One of his most important contributions on that half of the court is his ability to stand his ground (see where I'm going with this?) and take a charge. By my unofficial count and a quick Google search, Davis leads the league in charges taken and has no problem sacrificing for the greater good of the team.
Below is a compilation of the 14 charges that Baby took through the first 8 games of the season.
Yes, I just used a Rosa Parks Google Doodle to talk about Big Baby and the Celtics defense. Happy Wednesday!